frontpage extensions didn't work on freebsd 6.2
freebsd + easyapache = no frontpage extensions: Issue:After recompiling Apache on freebsd 6.2, the frontpage extensions didn't work ReSolution: frontpage module runs some tests on the
/usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp/_vti_bin/fpexe file and if any of them fail then it doesn't include itself in the apache build. The test it was failing on was to see if it could write protect that file.
Here is the possible Fix :# vi /var/cpanel/perl/easy/Cpanel/Easy/Apache/
and replace the following line
return $self->run_system_cmd_returnable( [qw(chattr -i /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp/_vti_bin/fpexe)] );
with this one
return $self->run_system_cmd_returnable( [qw(chflags noschg /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp/_vti_bin/fpexe)] );
And replace this
return $self->run_system_cmd_returnable( [qw(chattr +i /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp/_vti_bin/fpexe)] );
with this one
return $self->run_system_cmd_returnable( [qw(chflags schg /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp/_vti_bin/fpexe)] );
save and exit the file.
Also write protect the file with
# chflags schg /var/cpanel/perl/easy/Cpanel/Easy/Apache/
# /scripts/easyapache --force
Note: chflags command runs on freebsd environment instead of the chattr command in Linux environment.
Error while creating mbox spool file
Issue: "error while creating mbox spool file"If exim and spamd both fails constantly on cpanel server:
check the exim panic logs at
# tail -f /var/log/exim_paniclogAlso try out the following scripts :
# /scripts/eximup --force
# /scripts/perlinstaller --force Mail::SpamAssassin
# /scripts/autorepair spamd_dbm_fix
# /scripts/fixspamassassinfailedupdateAlso check the available disk space and available inodes on the partition holding /var
# df -h
# df -hi If you are receiving the errors like
2007-09-12 12:50:00 1IVPnE-00085R-86 failed to open scan directory /var/spool/exim/scan/scan/1IVPnE-00085R-86: Too many links
2007-09-12 12:50:00 1IVPnE-00085R-86 spam acl condition: error while creating mbox spool file
2007-09-12 12:50:00 1IVPnE-00085R-86 failed to open scan directory /var/spool/exim/scan/scan/1IVPnE-00085R-86: Too many links
2007-10-06 17:01:41 1IeHiN-0005Nf-UI failed to open scan directory /var/spool/exim/scan/scan/1IeHiN-0005Nf-UI: Too many links
2007-10-06 17:01:41 1IeHiN-0005Nf-UI malware acl condition: error while creating mbox spool file
2007-10-06 17:01:41 1IeHiN-0005Nf-UI H=(<5) [] F=<> temporarily rejected after DATA
2007-10-06 17:01:41 1IeHiN-0005Ng-UO failed to open scan directory /var/spool/exim/scan/scan/1IeHiN-0005Ng-UO: Too many links
# cd /var/spool/exim/scan
# ls -alt | wcIf you've got a real high number (like 32000) then that might be a problem - for a few reasons -
(1) filesystem may only support x # of directories,
(2) something else going wrong causing too many directories to remain there even after processing.
The possible fix for this issue:
Following error occurred due to scan directory crossed the size limit
2007-10-06 05:05:50 1Ie6Xe-00042f-9B failed to open scan directory /var/spool/exim/scan/scan/1Ie6Xe-00042f-9B: Too many links
2007-10-06 05:05:50 1Ie6Xe-00042t-5y failed to open scan directory /var/spool/exim/scan/scan/1Ie6Xe-00042t-5y: Too many links
Empty the folder /var/spool/exim/scan You can empty the large folder using following command.
# ls -l | xargs rm -rf